State of survival best troop formation for trap
State of survival best troop formation for trap

state of survival best troop formation for trap

  • Once the registration is over, you will be matched with an opponent.
  • You will be notified once you get picked and registration has ended (Communicate with your R4).
  • The Raid participants cannot be changed after the registration period has ended.
  • The Alliance Leader and R4s can select up to 30 participants for the Raid, plus 10 reservists.
  • Members who join an Alliance after the registration will not participate in the Raid or receive any rewards.
  • Leaders and R4 members from a top 20 ranked Alliance can register.
  • state of survival best troop formation for trap

    As for you as player HQ Lv.16 or higher, and be an Alliance member of the top 20 before Alliance registers.The Process takes around four days before the match starts ( Registration starts, Registration Ends).Top 20 Alliance Power can only join before registration begins.Reservoir Raid has certain Rules & Information that you will need to review before participating: The alliance that can claim and holds the most buildings will claim the most Purified Water available and will win the Raid.

    state of survival best troop formation for trap

    These buildings are vital to life and must be taken and held at all costs to ensure victory over the other alliance.Īs the Raid ensues, both Alliances will battle it out with one another to capture, claim and defend the buildings around the map with an added introduction of Clean Water Tanks being discovered around the map at specific, periodic times. Reservoir Raid takes both alliances to a large desert with several buildings to gather and purify water, mountainous terrain and a large "capital-style" building in the center capable of producing vast quantities of clean water to the alliance. Reservoir Raid (most commonly known as "RR" for short) is a bi-weekly event that pits two alliances from two different states against each other in an all-out battle to claim the most water for their alliance.

    State of survival best troop formation for trap